Creating web segment rules

What are web segment rules?

Once you have implemented the Retargetly Pixel on your websites, Retargetly DMP offers a range of rules that allow you to create precise segments about those users who visit your websites.

What are the most used web segmentation rules?

Among them, the most commonly used segmentation rules are usually URL, Frequency, Time Period and Tags.

How do they configure?

1. Events

To set up events you must contact your account representative at

2. Frequency

This rule allows you to create a segment with people who visited your site (or some section of your site) a certain number of times.

Logically, as the frequency is determined on the visit of a person to a place, this rule must be accompanied by other rules such as URL that visited for example

What utility can be given?

In many cases, a person may have come to my site occasionally and this does not necessarily mean that he intends to purchase my product. However, it is not the same if that same person returned at least 2 more times. In those cases, I can create a web segment with a frequency of 3, and in this way the segment will include all those who have visited my site at least 3 times.

3. Assigned Segment

This rule serves to add a condition to a previously created segment.

So, suppose we have a segment (created previously) of people who visited my site at some time. The "Assigned Segment" functionality allows you to select it and then apply the rest of the segmentation rules offered by this functionality.

In which cases could you use this rule?

In those cases where you create a segment of much value, but that of being able to filter it, it would become a more precise segment. Ex: people who visited my website, and then I apply a "time period: last 7 days" rule.

4. Recently assigned segment

This rule is similar to the functionality explained above, but will look for those newly created segments.

5. Time Period

The period of time refers to the users who passed through a certain section of my site in a fixed and mobile time frame (eg last minute; last x hours; last x days).

In which cases could you use this rule?

Time says a lot about a person, and in cases where a user intends to purchase my product, a person who spent a few hours ago is not the same as someone who visited my site 45 days ago.

6. Refer URL

This rule is used to build a segment of people who came to my site from a referral URL of a campaign

7. Search

Not only one can build segments of people who came to my site from a referred URL, but also from people who came referred from a Google Search strategy, and which "keywords" used prior to clicking on our ad link.

8. Source

In the case of having the Retargetly pixel implemented in several websites, one has the possibility to choose on which website one wishes to create a segment.

9. Tags

The DMP allows you to tag your website to create ad-hoc events and then be able to create segments based on the people who have made the different events. To know about the usefulness of tagging a site and how is the process, we recommend entering the following link

Once the site is properly tagged, in this section one can create the segments by choosing the desired tags.

In which cases is this type of rule usually used?

If you are interested in putting together a segment of the people who clicked on a CTA (call to action) of your site, completed a form, collect personal information or see if they visited any specific section, this is the indicated functionality.

10. URL

This rule allows to create segments of those people who have entered a specific URL or that within the URL, it contains a specific word

11. URL - UTM

Another possibility that this segmentation rule gives us is to look for the different UTMs that one configures from Google. Basically, UTM will allow us to identify what strategy and creative the user came from.

UTMs are configured directly from google. Here a link on how to configure one.

What utility could this functionality give me?

Knowing that the UTM can tell me that it came from Google Search and this keyword, then the user can build a segment of users who have searched for a search keyword

If you would like us to create other rules, do not hesitate to write to telling us your need.

How did we do?

Campaign Segments

Cross Device Segments - You can reach users on all their devices
